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Category: GPO

Custom Contracting and How it can Benefit Your Organization

A custom contract could be an excellent fit for you and your organization and you may not even know it.But how do we define a custom contrac...
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How Does CHAMPS GPO Achieve Sourcing Excellence?

Sourcing excellence is not easily achieved in today’s volatile supply chain market, and yet, CHAMPS has succeeded. How did we do it and how ...
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What Does a CHAMPS Membership Mean for Affiliate Groups?

Does your organization have a membership base?  Do you recruit other organizations to join yours to collaborate and enhance services for the...
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CHAMPS Reaches a New Audience at the ASAE Annual Meeting

In August, CHAMPS attended the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) annual meeting and exposition in Atlanta, GA. Over three da...
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CHAMPS Attends OHCA Convention

This spring, we were thrilled to represent CHAMPS GPO at the Ohio Health Care Association (OHCA) annual Convention & Expo in Columbus, OH, a...
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Discovering the Benefits of a CHAMPS GPO Membership

We’ve been making an impact in the healthcare industry for more than 100 years. Today, we serve more than 20,000 member locations across the...
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Understanding the Role of a GPO Contracting Team

Learning the ins and outs of a GPO can seem daunting at first. There are the contracts, pricing, account managers and plenty of other detail...
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Account Management: The CHAMPS Differential

For more than 100 years, CHAMPS GPO has been helping businesses operate and save money. Together with our national GPO partner Premier, we s...
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CHAMPS GPO Showcases Partnerships at OAASC

CHAMPS Group Purchasing recently attended the Ohio Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers’ (OAASC) Annual Education Conference in Columbu...
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Many people know the term GPO, but not everyone fully understands exactly what that entails and the potential impact that can be made on a member organization.

As the director of CHAMPS Group Purchasing, allow me to explain exactly what a GPO does, who we are and how we can benefit members. Simply put, CHAMPS negotiates discounted pricing with vendors you use every day. 

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New Year’s Resolution: Bringing Your Business Savings

A month through the new year, where are you on your goals? At CHAMPS Group Purchasing (GPO), some of our goals for 2022 include enhancing me...
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Meet the Account Manager: Supply Chain Specialist for Surgery Centers and Physician Markets

Greetings! I’m the national account manager for CHAMPS Group Purchasing (GPO)’s surgery centers and physicians members. I’m excited to have ...
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